RIVER VALE—Based on a new analysis from its planner, the Borough Council approved a resolution that reduced the township’s fourth round affordable obligation to 147 units from an original state recommendation of nearly 200 units.
The Fourth Round affordable obligation runs from July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2035.
The new analysis reduced the original 195 affordable units suggested by DCA in October to a total of 147 units, which will be on “developable land” of 1.27 acres, states the Jan. 27 resolution approved 4-0 by council. Councilman John Donovan was absent.
“The calculation for the Land Capacity Factor was adjusted by excluding properties that are not vacant or developable, including preserved open space, developed properties, and land listed in the NJDEP Recreation and Open Space Inventory (ROSI). This adjustment reduced the total housing obligation from 195 units to 147 units,” the resolution states.
The resolution notes the township’s planning consultant is Sanyogita. S. Chavan.
The resolution notes that the township affordable number is “subject to adjustments made to account” for future court decisions or any challenges to the amended Fair Housing Act or DCA methodology, any legislative changes or third-party challenges, as well as durational adjustments or vacant land adjustments, which are adopted as part of the Housing Element and Fair Share Plan.
The resolution notes it will be published on the municipal website, though it was not online as of Feb. 3, The resolution was posted on the New Jersey eCourts affordable housing section, but a copy of the planning consultant’s memo said to be “attached” was not, nor was it linked.
We invited Mayor Mark Bromberg to comment for this article but did not hear back by press time.