MONTVALE, N.J.—Mayor Michael Ghassali shared a slew of town updates in a recent note to residents. Here are a few highlights:
- Election. Ballots have been mailed to registered voters and should be received by Oct. 7. For more information visit montvale.org/government/elections.
- Shredding event. Montvale is hosting a shredding event for Montvale and River Vale residents on Saturday, Oct. 24 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Memorial Drive.
- Montvale 2020 Road Program. Additional roads for 2020 include Moulton Drive, Conrad Court and Heather Ridge Lane which were milled and paved on Sept. 14. Micro-surfacing was completed on Sept. 17 on Huff Terrace, Candlelight Drive, Shephard Drive and Olde Lantern Court. Micro-surfacing Payment No. 1 was submitted for this work: $72,894.18, which was $2,781.30 under budget.
- FY 2020 NJDOT Road Program. American Asphalt & Milling Services began concrete curbing, sidewalk and ramp work on Paragon & Philips the week of Sept. 28. Milling and paving are expected to begin the following two weeks, weather permitting. The bid amount was $427,896.28 and the NJDOT grant was for $220,000.
- Montvale FY 2019 NJDOT Road Program. Progress Payment No. 1 was on the agenda for the Sept. 29 meeting for Cifelli & Son for Edgren Way and Ramapo Road. Work, delayed due to the water main break during final paving, was completed on Aug. 7. Maser is reviewing a proposed change order due to the water main break.
- La Trenta Field Synthetic Turf. The contractor for much of the site work, Dakota Excavating Contractor Inc., submitted Progress Payments No. 2 & 3 which were on the agenda for the Sept. 29. All site work is complete. Paperwork will be prepared by Maser for submittal to Bergen County for reimbursement. The Borough was awarded $113,538 in 2017 and $65,000 in 2018 for the synthetic turf installation.
- Bergen County/Magnolia Avenue Bridge Replacement. Maser has met with three of the five residents who will be affected by temporary and/or permanent easements on their properties. This county project is still expected to be out to bid this fall. The construction schedule has not been finalized but is still projected for the last quarter of 2020.
- PSE&G Gas Main Replacement. PSE&G continues to install new gas mains in the area immediately east of the Pascack Brook and north of Grand Avenue. Maser met with residents on Greenbriar Lane after contacting Maser and PSEG to address complaints about patches over the trenches for the mains and laterals. PSEG also said they will address concerns on all streets in the area. PSE&G has restarted their program to replace the gas mains and laterals to the homes in the eastern half of the borough and will have an emergency response team available for gas leaks, should they be needed.
- Municipal Building HVAC Repairs. No change: The borough is looking to replace the rooftop unit that services the Police Department through the state contract. The existing unit, one of the oldest units on the roof, dates from 2003.
- 26 North Kinderkamack Property Acquisition. No change. Maser has completed a majority of the Phase I investigation and are reviewing historical information in the borough files. Additional sampling was required due to the numerous layers of asbestos floor tiles, resulting in additional laboratory costs much higher than our original proposal.
For more information from the Borough of Montvale, visit montvale.org.