WESTWOOD, N.J.—Passersby on Westwood Avenue at the site of the former L.N. Grand 5 & 10 Cent Store have a tantalizing view of the future—well, a proposed view of the future—in a rendering on the window for Five Dimes Brewery.
Owner Chris Alepa has been adjusting his proposal in light of ongoing Master Plan talks and feedback from neighbors, including veteran restaurateurs.
Five Dimes Brewery has removed its restaurant element, aiming now at approximately 3,000 square feet for brewing and a tasting room.
Guests would be welcome to bring in their own food, ostensibly from local eateries, and sample Five Dimes labels onsite, 247 Westwood Avenue.
The rendering on display reveals a snazzy brick–chic industrial destination spilling over with greenery and suggesting a rooftop Shangri-La.
According to Planning Board liaison Erin Collins, the borough is reviewing permitting a limited brewery use as a recommendation in the Master Plan Re-Examination Report.
“The board encourages public input and comment for this element as well as all elements we consider. Several Westwood restaurant and bar owners attended prior meetings noting concerns and issues in opposition of allowing a limited brewery on Westwood Avenue,” Collins told Pascack Press on Dec. 16.
Collins said the Planning Board will review the issues and potential conditions of a limited brewery in the central business district and Westwood Avenue particularly on Jan. 9, 2020 at 8 p.m. at Borough Hall. All are welcome.
The next step, she said: Board Planner Ed Snieckus of Burgis Associates will formulate a final draft of the Master Plan Re-examination Report for review by the board and public.
Meanwhile, Five Dimes Brewery is growing its mailing list. To stay informed, visit fivedimesbrewery.com.