EMERSON––Borough Administrator Bob Hoffmann writes to say the Bergen County engineering department is at work on road improvements that have shifted a local traffic pattern.
The pattern northbound has shifted to the newly widened curb -lane side of Kinderkamack Road in the vicinity of the railroad crossing in order to allow for construction of the permanent center islands in that area.
“Keep right” island signs are installed along with a traffic barrel line in the center of the roadway there.
“It is important that motorists follow the posted signs and keep to the right of the barrel island when approaching from either north or south,” Hoffman said.
This pattern speaks to the final design for when the center islands will be completed. NJ Transit has relocated its signal gates on the northbound Kinderkamack Road crossing to its new, permanent location and they are working. As always, when approaching a railroad crossing, be alert for train traffic at all times and don’t stop on the tracks, Hoffman said.
He added that readers should be aware that traffic from Emerson Plaza East, northbound, approaching the Kinderkamack Road intersection, has restricted “right turn only” movement out of that street. Don’t try to make a left on to Kinderkamack Road in that area.