Haworth Police photo via Facebook

Haworth man refused to submit breath samples

On June 2 at about 10:33 p.m., Sgt. James Morgan reported conducting a motor vehicle stop on Haworth Drive. Upon approaching of the driver’s side window, Morgan smelled an odor of alcoholic beverage emanating from the interior of the vehicle. The 63-year-old male driver from Haworth subsequently performed field sobriety tests; based on  Morgan’s observations and indicators observed during the field sobriety testing, it was determined the driver was driving while intoxicated. The defendant was arrested, transported to police headquarters, and processed. He subsequently refused to submit breath samples. The defendant was also issued four motor vehicle summonses and released.

Erratic bicyclist had heroin

On June 5 at 10:09 p.m., Officer Andrew Soltes conducted a stop of a male subject operating a bicycle in an erratic manner on Sunset Avenue. The 24-year-old male bicyclist from Demarest was found to be in possession of a controlled dangerous substance, namely heroin, drug paraphernalia and hypodermic needles. He was arrested, transported to Haworth Police Headquarters, and charged with possession of heroin, possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of hypodermic needles. The defendant was fingerprinted, photographed and released on his own recognizance. The subject was also issued two summonses for bicycle infractions.

New Milford man had marijuana, heroin

On June 7, at 9:47 p.m., Sgt. Gianluca Ragone reported conducting a motor vehicle stop on Maple Street. Investigation revealed the 31-year-old male driver from New Milford was in possession of marijuana, heroin and drug paraphernalia. 

The actor was arrested, transported to police headquarters for and issued a complaint-summons charging him with possession of marijuana (50 grams or more), possession of heroin and possession of drug paraphernalia. The defendant was fingerprinted, photographed and released on his own recognizance. The driver was issued three (3) motor vehicle summonses.

This section is based on data provided to the Northern Valley Press by neighborhood police departments. Due to pending court appearances and other variations, the following information shall be read in “press time”