Resident’s name used fraudulently for $30K loan    

A fraudster used a West Park Avenue resident’s name to open a $30,176 loan with Kia Motor Finance out of Newport Beach, California. The victim discovered the loan in a routine check of her credit report. 

The woman reported the incident to police Aug. 19 and informed Kia of the fraud. All activity on the loan is reported stopped for the investigation. 

The woman says none of her bank accounts were involved and she’s not out any money. Detectives have been notified.

$500 wedding gift, among several swiped, ends up in likely ATM deposit

A Vitmar Place resident, 54, was the victim of fraud/identity theft after a check she’d given as a wedding gift wound up deposited in a third party’s account. 

According to the Aug. 22 police report, after the couple returned from their honeymoon they discovered several wedding cards with gifts were missing, presumed stolen.

One check, for $500, was given by the Vitmar Place resident. Somehow it was deposited without an endorsement. The receiving bank supposed it was an ATM deposit. 

The police report added that the woman who wrote the check is working to resolve the issue with both banks.

Dog! Won’t! Stop! Bark! Ing! Police leave owner a note

The owner of a continually barking dog on North Maple Avenue Aug. 20 came home to a letter from police after an anonymous caller rang headquarters to complain of the noise. The barking dog did not appear to police to be the same dog registered at the address, based on 2013 records.