ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS, N.J.—In Englewood Cliffs, Trunk or Treat makes Halloween a family festival.
On Oct. 26, dozens of kids and parents dressed in decorative costumes walked up and down Johnson Avenue to view decorated cars filled with candy giveaways. As children made their way from car to car, they filled their bags with mounds of delicious treats and parents snapped photos. There were witches, ghosts, Harry Potter look-a-likes, SWAT team commandos, Disney characters and plenty of super heroes.
Adults also joined the fun dressed in costume. One couple came as a full size ketchup and mustard duo and a man came dressed as a giant tyrannosaurus. Over 150 costumed characters included a cowboy, Wonder Woman, witches, angels and goblins and a blue haired hag. A father and daughter teamed up and paraded as matching unicorns.
In addition to the cars, the Englewood Cliffs Police Department had a table where officers handed out candy, and Police Chief William Henkelman chatted with residents and to make everyone feel welcome. Several of the officers brought their children for the festivities.

Further down the street, the Englewood Cliffs Fire Department had a fire truck that spewed smoke to give the area a spooky Halloween aura. Children were welcome to climb into the rig and examine the equipment.
The fest also had a pumpkin patch and a table where children decorated pumpkins.
Trunk or Treat included costume contests for kids of different ages and one for dogs. There was also a prize for the best decorated car which went to a balloon covered Land Rover filled with mounds of candy. Prize winners were given gift cards.
Councilwoman Ellen Park, The Englewood Cliffs Recreation Committee chair who organized Trunk or Treat, was delighted with the large turnout.
“I love this event because it brings the community together and everyone has so much fun!” she said.