COMMUNITY VOICES: Supporting Misciagna, Metzdorf, and Epstein

To the editor:

We fully support Keith Misciagna, Rob Metzdorf, and Kelly Epstein in their bids for re-election. They have provided outstanding service to the Borough of Park Ridge, and as we continue to fight over development in our town, we need an experienced team. Keith, Rob and Kelly are proven leaders and their accomplishments for the people of Park Ridge are significant. We have collectively improved the recreational facilities for our youth and are providing more programs for our elderly. We are working and focused on improving our roads while keeping pedestrians safe.   Keith, Rob and Kelly also made sure the Park Ridge citizens enjoyed themselves with events such as the Taste of Park Ridge  and the Italian Festival. Under their stewardship, the financial health of the Borough has also improved and the town was recognized by the state of New Jersey as such. Park Ridge cannot afford to lose momentum we have created. Please support us in re-electing Keith Misciagna, Robert Metzdorf and Kelly Epstein this Tuesday, Nov. 5.

Michael Mintz, John Ferguson, Matt Capilli, and Tom Farinaro, 
Members, Park Ridge Council