COMMUNITY VOICES: DiPaola endorses McGuire, Argenzia

To the editor:

As Mayor of Emerson, I wholeheartedly endorse Councilwoman Jill McGuire and Nicole Argenzia for Council. Jill and Nicole are not only strong women leaders, they also have shown their commitment to this community through their actions. 

Jill has been a committed public servant in her time on the Council and recently received bipartisan accolades for her leadership in historic preservation efforts as the former chair of the Emerson Historic Preservation Committee. 

Nicole is president of the Emerson Board of Health and served on the Ambulance Corps. These two women got involved because they were unhappy with the prior administration’s aggressive effort to rezone Emerson neighborhoods. It is no secret that any overdevelopment will add greater traffic to our already overburdened infrastructure and have a negative impact on our schools.

Jill and Nicole want to be a part of the positive progress that looks to protect Emerson’s character in a responsible way. These women are committed to walking the walk, not just talking the talk and have already made significant contributions to our town and its residents. They are committed to fiscal responsibility and transparency through televising all mayor and council meetings. They are not beholden to special interests or big-time developers and want to protect the single-family residential neighborhoods. They support the shared service program that will fund a high school resource officer and will continuously create and sponsor programs that will protect the health and safety of our residents.

In the tumultuous political world that we live in, Jill and Nicole represent sanity, common-sense, family values, and are truly compassionate people. Emerson residents deserve their leadership and I am proud to stand alongside them and to cast my vote for them this Tuesday, Nov. 5. I urge you to do the same.

Danielle DiPaola