COMMUNITY VOICES: Endorsing Roberta Hanlon for re-election

To the editor:

I am pleased to support Roberta Hanlon’s candidacy for re-election to the WWRSD BOE.  She is a lifelong citizen of Westwood who clearly has been dedicated to her community. She is especially focused on the well being of our children and to the importance of education.

I have known Roberta for over 20 years and her commitment to children has been evident in every one of those years. In addition to her years as a WWRSD Board of Education trustee she has been on parent committees at our schools, volunteered at teen events at the community center, been a Boy Scout leader and though her sons are grown now she currently is on a committee that approves Eagle projects and Eagle rank.

I served with Roberta on school committees starting in the 1990s. We were also often the only people who regularly attended BOE meetings for many, many years. I served with her on the BOE for about 10 years. She has always been committed to serving the school community.

All parents want the best for their children. Contrary to what some people might think, the BOE is dedicated to this too.  Board members must collaborate with their colleagues and school officials to make every effort to be as thorough as possible to get information and expertise on matters on which decisions, many which are critical, complicated and difficult, must be made. 

Federal, state and local laws strictly regulate boards of education. BOE members learn that they are no longer free to talk about some of the things they used to be able to talk about in public. Confidentiality is of the highest importance. All board members must respect this. This is interpreted by some as lack of transparency rather than following laws and protecting confidentiality.

As a seasoned member of the BOE, Roberta understands all of this and has always acted with utmost integrity. She has no agenda other than to be committed to improving the schools in whatever way provides the best education and opportunity for students and to balance this with concerns of the community and taxpayers. 

Roberta’s expertise, wisdom, experience and commitment are invaluable assets. I strongly support her reelection.

Carol Mountain