COMMUNITY VOICES: Laureana Organ for Montvale

To the editor:

Longtime Montvale resident and community activist Laureana Organ is running for Montvale Town Council in the upcoming election, Nov. 5. Laureana personifies the type of individual we need on the council: committed, intelligent, inclusive and forward-looking.

  Laureana moved to Montvale from the Dominican Republic to work in real estate in 1992, and in addition, she worked 17 years at Bergen County’s Community Development Office for Children. 

She raised three kids—now all grown—in Montvale schools and remained a deeply involved parent even after becoming a young widow. She describes her “special love” and loyalty to our town. She remains convinced that Montvale can continue to stand out positively in the region for both the quality of schools and the quality of life generally, as long as careful choices are made at this critical juncture in its history. She will bring fresh ideas to the council about how such success can be sustained amid the breakneck population expansion and other challenges we currently face.

Yet another characteristic that will ensure Laureana’s success is her deep knowledge of the political structures in the broader Bergen County context and beyond. Laureana has been an active organizer of local, county, regional, state—even national-level—campaigns for other Democratic candidates. Her admiration for our wonderful town inspires her to give back and help lead Montvale forward, so now she is a candidate herself.

Together with Elizabeth Gloeggler, her talented fellow Democrat running for re-election, Laureana will also add further party diversity to the council that is much-needed given the challenges we face. 

The Montvale Council—and the town at large—would benefit greatly from the depth of Laureana’s local knowledge paired with her determination, ingenuity and finally, her ability to work effectively with others. 

Please vote for Laureana Organ on Tuesday, Nov. 5. Above all, vote!

Rick Vicedomini