COMMUNITY VOICES: Ian Askins: ‘Go vote on Tuesday’

To the editor:

Tuesday, Nov. 5 is an off-year election for New Jersey.  The focus is entirely on local races given the absence of federal and state candidates on the ballot.  Without the distraction of national politics, the choices people make tomorrow will be the most directly impactful on each individual and our community.

In Hillsdale, tomorrow will determine whether our council continues under single-party rule, or whether our residents choose to introduce bipartisan accountability. Recent conversations I have had with fellow residents highlight bipartisan issues where oversight would be very helpful. 

For example: Many have said that they are pleased with the DPW and the borough’s services, while many others complained of being forgotten when the borough cleared leaves or did snow plowing, and of a lack of response when trying to get curbs installed at their own expense during roadwork projects.  

This variety in experiences tells me that we have good infrastructure and maintenance workers, but that closer oversight can be useful to improve response rates and effectiveness.

Tomorrow will determine whether we have a council open to new and innovative thoughts, which encourage a diversity of opinions. I have outlined many proposals, and will gladly accept refinement and improvement on all of them in full council discussion, but residents have introduced me to many more ideas in the past weeks, all worthy of discussion and many that seem commonsense.  

Some examples: Many families would love to attend Stonybrook Pool, if only there were weekend passes to accommodate their schedules. 

Households near Demarest Farm would be much happier accepting a no-weekend parking regulation if the borough offered resident passes or temporary stickers for when they have guests.  

To improve our children’s safety while walking to school, perhaps the council can talk to the county about speed traps and traffic signals on Ruckman Road and Cedar Lane.

The list of concerns and issues that residents have brought to my attention is an impressive one.  Regardless of the election’s outcome, I plan to attend the next Council meeting and present this list. I do hope that the council will do everything in its power to address these matters that directly impact the daily lives of Hillsdale residents.

I hope you will consider voting for me when going to the polls, but regardless of personal preferences, I urge everybody to exercise their civic responsibility and participate in tomorrow’s election.

Ian Askins
Democratic candidate for Hillsdale Council