Order candygrams for Hegeman Park renovations

WESTWOOD—Thanks in advance for your support of Eagle Scout candidate Ilay Guler from Boy Scout Troop 350 by purchasing a Candy Gram to be delivered on Oct. 30 or 31.

Troop 350 will deliver your choice of one Hersey Milk Chocolate, Hersey Dark Chocolate or Hersey Milk Chocolate with Almonds bar along with your personal greeting for your Candy Gram.

All proceeds will support Ilay Guler’s Eagle Scout project: needed renovations at Hegeman Park on Sand Road. Work includes installing a new metal bench, fixing damage to the wooden pavilion, installing a new plaque, repainting the park sign, repainting parts of the playground, planting flowers, installing a new wooden picnic table, and removing moss.

Provide your name, address, email address and phone number via email, delivery name, address, delivery date and message to ilay2004@outlook.com.

Candy Grams are $10 per chocolate bar. Payment can be made via Venmo @Ilay-Guler or via check payable to Westwood Troop 350, dropped off or mailed to Eagle Scout Ilay Guler, Westwood Troop 350 at 592 Colonial Road, River Vale, NJ 07675.