Closter Mayor Announces Seasonal Events

FILE PHOTO: Girl Scouts and Cub Scouts led a sing-along of holiday songs at the Closter tree lighting in 2017.

CLOSTER, N.J.—Closter Mayor John Glidden reports in his December newsletter that friends, families and neighbors are all invited to enjoy the borough’s annual Tree Lighting on Sunday, Dec. 8 at 4:30 p.m. near the front of the Closter Borough Hall. 

“This year’s Tree lighting is sure to make you feel merry and bright! There will be performances by the Blue Chip Chorus and more that are sure to warm you up…” Gliden wrote. “The [Closter Improvement Commission] will be hosting a Gingerbread Contest, where donations will help benefit the Closter Food Pantry.”

The local police union will be collecting unwrapped toys to be distributed to kids in need, he said.

Then, on Dec. 22, Glidden reports that the Chabad Shul of Closter will be holding its annual public Menorah lighting on the lawn of the Borough Hall at 6:30 p.m. 

“The Chabad Shul invites all to the festival of lights celebration filled with song and cheer,” Glidden wrote.

In other local news, Glidden appealed for assistance to the Closter Food Pantry, which is seeking donations to assist local families in need. 

“Please visit the Borough’s website and click on the link for the Food and Assistance Board. Here you will be able to view the lists of items that are needed to stock their shelves,” said Glidden. “Closter is fortunate to have volunteers on the Food & Assistant Board who work tirelessly to assist our residents in need.”