COMMUNITY VOICES: Find Cruelty-Free Way To Handle Deer

Deer congregate in a backyard in River Vale earlier this year.

To the editor:

Re: “Deer Bowhunt Soonest 2020: No Time To Act This Year; Mayor Decries Rumors,” Sept. 16.

For the love of God. Please do not harm one of God’s creations. These beautiful gentle animals do not deserve having an arrow stick in them. There is only a 50% kill rate; the rest will have to suffer with infection ‘til they drop. 

This is inhumane. We need a better solution. I live in Bergen County and see very few deer. I moved here to see nature and animals. 

Please contact Mayor Glen Jasionowski at (201) 664-2346 [the main phone number for township administration] or and tell him you agree. 

Linda Talocco 
River Vale