COMMUNITY VOICES: Props For Several on Westwood council

To the editor:

At this time of national political strife, I would like to thank the current council members of Westwood, Beth Dell, Rob Bicocchi, and Ray Arroyo, for putting Westwood first! 

Beth Dell, thank you so much for all you do and have done for our big little town!  Do you know the saying, “If you want something done, give it to the person whom is busiest”?  That’s Beth Dell. Coming up from PTO president, to co-president of WW Education for Excellence, and now councilmember.  The relationships you’ve forged are priceless! Time and time again Beth has come to the rescue of community members pointing us in the right direction to resolve our issues.

Rob Bicocchi, your experience on the council is invaluable.  Serving on the Planning Board, engaging with the community and the local Chamber of Commerce, has greatly improved the look of Westwood – especially west of the railroad. (Has anyone read the real estate article about the benefits of having a Trader Joe’s in your town?) Not to mention Rob’s commonsense approach to Zoning Board issues. 

Ray Arroyo – Although I’ve never worked with you personally, I was present at your last swearing into office. It was standing room only.  And I mean standing! The chamber was packed with people cheering and clapping. When was the last time an elected official inspired that kind of reaction? The feeling of love and justice in that room—it was like watching a Hallmark movie where the good guys win in the end.   

Again, THANK YOU ALL!  For being above “party” and just doing what is right by your neighbors in our 2.8 square miles called Westwood.

Tammy Visich