COMMUNITY VOICES: Pontillo, Sembler For Westwood Regional School Board

To the editor:

The recent announcement of Michael Pontillo and Michelle Sembler running for Board of Education has excited the parents of the Westwood Regional School District. Both candidates are invested in this district and have shown time and time again that their priority and focus is safety of our children. 

Recently, Pontillo and Sembler led the fight against Westwood Regional Middle School adopting three novels for classroom reading that many parents feel are not age-appropriate. One of the books, “13 Reasons Why,” falls into this category and should require parental permission for borrowing.

Rather than arguing book censorship, Pontillo and Sembler supported parental choice for what their children have access to. This book encompasses an array of deeply disturbing topics including rape, bullying, suicide, and depression. Just as we monitor what our children explore on the internet, Pontillo and Sembler have made clear they feel that books with mature material require the same vigilance. 

It’s not to say that a parent cannot safely have their child read this book, however, the subject matter contained requires guided discussion and assurance that the child does not fall victim to the romanticizing of suicide and understands the true lessons from this book: kindness matters, bullying can be devastating, and mental illness is treatable. 

Pontillo and Sembler have our full support. We are eager to see the positive changes that they will bring to our school district.

JoAnne Ristevski

Editor’s note: For background, see “Westwood Police Chief Runs For School Board Amid Book Kerfuffle,” John Snyder, Aug. 6.