COMMUNITY VOICES: ‘Sincere and fierce’—Yes to McGuire, Argenzia

To the editor:

The ballot appearing this November in the emerging yet admirably scrappy Borough of Emerson conveys a great story.  The all-female (hell yeah) ticket composed of current Councilwoman Jill McGuire and longstanding resident Nicole Argenzia, is a tale of two women primed and eager to brace the Council chamber with fresh ideas and impactful policies. 

With complementing personalities exuding integrity, decisiveness and do I dare say, chutzpah, this relatable, compassionate duo have built careers in caring for others and have long, strived to foster healthier neighborhoods to benefit all ages. 

Today, they are strongly committed to preserving the character that resides across Emerson, by both honoring its history and strategically guiding the steps needed to innovate and strengthen the Borough for generations to come. 

Both McGuire and Argenzia understand the importance of a strong, public school system, with eight children between them. They also believe in the need for enriched local amenities like an improved recycling infrastructure, a more pedestrian-friendly footprint throughout, and boldly, fairer taxes and unparalleled services for Emerson residents who will continue to support and endure the ongoing phases of redevelopment.

As a bipartisan voter myself, I encourage Emerson families to support these sincere and fierce Republican women on Tuesday, Nov. 5. Select McGuire and Argenzia for Council and together let’s give these candidates an opportunity to walk the talk. They’ve promised to work tirelessly and truthfully for all of us, beginning on Day 1, and that’s something I’d love to see firsthand.  

Stephanie Clark

The writer, chairwoman of the Emerson Environmental Commission and a member of the  Emerson Land Use Board, says she writes in as a private citizen.