Dawson: ‘Vote Arroyo for Mayor’

Councilman Ray Arroyo with running mate and former Westwood Councilwoman Alyssa Dawson, now chief of staff to state Assemblywoman Holly Schepisi (right). | File photo/Susan McTigue.

To the editor:

This week, Westwood is celebrating its 125th anniversary. This month is also Pride Month—a month in which our community and people all over the world celebrate the incredible strides made by the LGBTQ community since the Stonewall riots in 1969.

As Westwood comes together this month to celebrate all that makes our community so special, I wanted to take the opportunity to highlight an individual whose selflessness, intelligence, and devotion to Westwood are not only unrivaled, but appreciated by so many. That individual is Westwood’s Council President and mayoral candidate, Raymond Arroyo.

With Primary Election Day behind us and the real campaign season right ahead, I felt it an opportune time to point out how truly blessed the residents of Westwood are to have Ray at the helm of our council and how even more blessed the residents of Westwood would be to have Ray as our mayor. Ray’s Yale education, highly successful career, years of volunteerism to our town, and many invaluable contributions as a councilman and a member of the Zoning Board are truly unmatched.

To anyone who has not met or spoken with Ray, I urge you to take the time to get to know him—and to anyone who knows Ray, I am confident you wholeheartedly agree with me when I say that there is no other like him.

Today and every day, I take pride in calling Westwood my home, and Ray Arroyo my friend.

— Alyssa Dawson/Westwood

The writer is a Republican candidate for Bergen County Freeholder and was Arroyo’s 2018 running mate for Westwood Borough Council.