Emerson news in brief: Dec. 4, 2017


Borough amends no-knock ordinance
A “no-knock” list has been established by the Emerson Police Department. To include your address on the list and receive a No-Knock sticker to display, visit the Police Department or call its non-emergency number, (201) 262-2800.

A fee of $5 is charged for the decal/registration for residents under 65.

The borough recently amended Chapter 208 Peddling and Soliciting of the Borough Code to include provisions permitting the creation of the non-solicitation list for residents who don’t want to hear from solicitors.

The chapter exists to prevent crime and dishonest business practices by the regulation of the conduct of peddlers, non-profit solicitors, solicitors and distributors and to generally provide for residents’ safety.

Overnight parking allowed
Park ‘em if you’ve got ‘em. Overnight parking is newly permitted on all residential streets in Emerson except during weather emergencies.

This change applies only to non-commercial vehicles.
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‘Good progress’ on NJ Transit train crossings
On Nov. 1 Mayor Louis J. Lamatina reported “good progress” with NJ Transit on train crossings in the borough.

On the borough’s website, Lamatina wrote that, since the completion of related work in August, officials have been in regular contact with NJ Transit and the County of Bergen in an effort to fine-tune the timing of the traffic lights and the preemption timing, both of which affect traffic flow downtown.

He added that officials also had requested that NJ Transit determine if there is any way for the southbound trains to stop far enough away from the Kinderkamack Road crossing so that the gates would stay open until the train leaves the station, allowing traffic to flow while the train boards.

Lamatina explained he and Councilman Gerry Falotico, Borough Administrator Bob Hoffmann, Borough Engineer Gary Ascolese met with NJ Transit representatives on Oct. 31.

Also present was Nancy Dargis, the county engineer in charge of the project.

Transit personnel have been monitoring the traffic flows and had been compiling traffic statistics over the past few weeks for data to address requested modifications.

At the meeting, Lamatina said, NJ transit agreed to reduce the preemption time from 44 seconds to 28 seconds, a gain that is expected to improve traffic flow in the town center.

“The modification must be preceded by the addition of speed monitors on the tracks north of the intersection, Lamatina reported.
NJ Transit advised that this could be finished three to four weeks after NJ Transit approves the work.

Changes in the timing and preemption were promised to be finalized by the end of the year.

Unfortunately, Lamatina added, NJ Transit said it could not agree to alter the stopping point of southbound trains.

“That modification, which we have been advocating for since last year, would reduce the intersection down time by approximately four minutes, but Transit insists that both safety concerns and the lack of the necessary technology mitigate against their making this important modification,” the mayor said.

“We are not giving up that fight, and it was agreed that we would revisit our request early in the New Year after the changes agreed to today were implemented,” he promised.

Finally, Lamatina noted, the county engineer advised that she would revisit the timing on Linwood and Ackerman to address backups occurring there when the schools let out.
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Historic Preservation Committee hosted WWI Centennial Event
The Historic Preservation Committee hosted a World War I Centennial event on Thursday, Nov. 30 at the Public Library.

Visitors took in a gallery display; saw Emerson’s WWI draft documents, video footage, and uniform display; and heard music and vocalists.

Next meeting of mayor and council Dec. 5
The next regular meeting and budget public hearing of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Emerson will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 5 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of Borough Hall, 1 Municipal Place.