COMMUNITY VOICES: Fenwick, Cozzi, Nathanson for Park Ridge

To the editor:

I am writing to endorse the Republican team of Fenwick, Cozzi, and Nathanson. This team appreciates the desire of residents to maintain a small-town community while also bringing a new perspective on the issues of governance, public finance and a fully informed and engaged electorate. They are running a grass roots campaign with no financial or covert support from contractors or unions.

With their professional backgrounds, experience and principled core values, I believe that Fenwick, Cozzi and Nathanson will bring new insights for revenue growth, meaningful and transparent fiscal accountability and an overdue nonpartisan openness about issues that effect our community. They are committed to an agenda that preserves Park Ridge as a high-quality community in which to raise children and lead productive lives.

As mayor and council members they will bring vitality to the conversation while reviewing all aspects of current policy and the unintended consequences which follow. Their unique problem-solving skills in finance, litigation, housing, and zoning, will be utilized to the benefit of Park Ridge.

Will Fenwick for mayor, John Cozzi and Josh Nathanson for council are outstanding candidates. Their firm commitment is to represent all constituencies and to provide progressive economic growth that is sound, equitable and represents a broad-based public interest. Their professional training and experiences are exactly what we need in a time of numerous challenges from commercial and political forces.

I encourage my fellow community members to consider representation that is broad-minded, discerning, and strategic. I urge you to entrust the stewardship of Park Ridge to the Preserve Park Ridge team of Fenwick, Cozzi, and Nathanson. 

Anthony Fiorenza
Park Ridge