COMMUNITY VOICES: Mayor Supports Incumbents For Reelection

To the editor: 

As the Mayor of Closter, I want to convey my appeal to our Borough residents to re-elect our experienced council members, Vicky Amitai and Joe Yammarino.

  Throughout their years of service to the town, they have been very instrumental in accomplishing numerous improvements and sustaining the character of Closter. Without their relentless efforts, we would not be today where we are.

Vicky and Joe spent long hours working on municipal Boards and Commissions spearheading the Borough’s agenda.  Their inclusion as volunteers is visible at any event attended by all residents.  Vicky and Joe’s participation in Mayor and Council deliberations demonstrates a spirit of collaboration that unites all members.  This is what we need to continue and therefore I endorse Vicky and Joe for re-election.

John C. Glidden, Jr.
Mayor of Closter