COMMUNITY VOICES: Re-elect Gloeggler in Montvale

To the editor:

Attend a Montvale Mayor and Council meeting and you will notice something dispiriting: the opinions shared by the Council members are strikingly similar. You can even hear Council members lament having to speak last because they don’t feel like they have anything new to add to the conversation.

The one person in the room that consistently presents a different perspective on issues is Council President Elizabeth Gloeggler. We hear often about the many languages, cultures and backgrounds present in Montvale and whether it is at meetings or around town, Council President Gloeggler is dedicated to gathering a variety of viewpoints and making sure that the Council represents all of the diversity that Montvale contains.

Our country is great because our systems of government are designed for disagreement and debate. However, one-party rule in Montvale will serve to stifle that healthy civic engagement. That is why, regardless of your political affiliation, it is important for all of Montvale to come together to re-elect Council President Elizabeth Gloeggler.

Matthew Solomon