To the editor:

I am writing this letter in full steadfast support of Michael Pontillo for Board of Education. This support has only grown since his announcement for running for Board of Education for Westwood Regional School District. In addition to 24 years as a borough employee, he has shown himself to be specifically invaluable in the realm of safety for the children of the district. 

Are you unsure whether he is the right choice? Consider this:

• Are you wondering how the (amazing) Emergency Services Night in which a helicopter landed on the baseball field and children were able to explore all kinds of emergency vehicles and partake in fun activities was organized? That is a Michael Pontillo project.

• Would you be relieved to have a police escort available for class trips after the recent tragedy at Paramus High School? Also a Pontillo project.

• Who facilitated the communication and continuing resolution between the Westwood Borough Council, Board of Education and concerned Berkeley parents regarding the parking situation? Michael Pontillo.

• Who has been present each morning during the traffic pattern change to speak to parents, greet children, and help maintain the safer drop off pattern? Again, Pontillo. 

If you are unsure about the issues regarding the parking lot at Berkeley Elementary School or curious why the police escort option was rejected by the Board of Education, it’s simply because the active communication between the Board of Education and the parents is mediocre at best. The need for facilitated communication and transparency is long overdue. Pontillo can undoubtedly accomplish this.

Michael Pontillo has been a constant presence in the Westwood schools and has specifically gone above and beyond to make our schools a safe place for our children. It is truly imperative to have a Board of Education member be actively involved and aware of the needs of our schools. He has already proven this. The choice is clear: Michael Pontillo belongs on the Board of Education.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the safety of our schools or the happenings in the district and town, you can likely find him at the Back to School BBQ or Halloween Trunk or Treat handing out ice cream or candy to the children. 

Donna LaMonica