COMMUNITY VOICES: Resident for McGuire, Argenzia

To the editor:

After reading so many of the letters that were written by members of my community in support of various candidates I feel the need to express my views.

After four long years of the Lamatina administration, we finally have a smart, thoughtful, fiscally responsible, and caring majority on the governing body in Mayor Danielle DiPaola, Councilwoman Jill McGuire and Councilmen Brian Gordon and Ken Hoffman.  They are Emersonians just like me, with differing opinions  on topics and who value thoughtful discussion. 

I love to watch the meetings on television, (thanks to  Mayor DiPaola and Councilwoman McGuire) and see our government at work. When I watch the meetings I see a group of caring interested  people, just like you and me, not a governing body that just votes yes without any discussion but one that discusses each topic on the agenda carefully. 

In the past, Lamatina told residents what was best (in his opinion) and the majority on the governing body fell in line, without hesitation, and voted without any discussion or deliberation. I never felt that my concerns were considered or even noticed. 

In stark comparison, Mayor DiPaola doesn’t move off topic until she has asked both sides of the aisle if they have any more questions or anything else to add on each and every topic, and she does it respectfully. 

We must elect Jill McGuire and Nicole Argenzia. We Emersonians need a diverse group of people that will thoughtfully discuss each and every topic for the betterment of Emerson. I have confidence that if Jill McGure and Nicole Argenzia are elected this positive momentum will continue.  

Vote McGuire and Argenzia and the whole Column 1 ticket on Nov. 5!

Michelle Borer